Ramsey Family

It was my parents 30th Anniversary in August and a big birthday for my dad at the end of October and to celebrate they flew us all to Palm Springs, and we spent a week together! This is the first time we have all been to Palm Springs together since they bought their home down here, and it was the new grand kids first time here and to Disneyland (where we spent Andy's birthday!).

We haven't really done family photos since my sister graduated High school, and it's only been weddings since... so we decided to do some family photos this morning on the last day with all of us in Palm Springs together.  We totally lucked out, because the sun decided to hang out behind some clouds and it only came out for the final 15 minutes of the shoot!  Big thanks to my brother Kellen who got some great shots of Andy, Harper & I.  It was pretty fun setting up the camera on one of the strollers for the big family shot, and then running back into the photo. 

My parents have fought hard for their relationship, their family and their lives. They are such incredible parents- dependable, loving, uplifting, building, ever encouraging, always there for you, and they cheer you on no matter what. I'm so grateful for the life they have given us, the example they have provided and the wisdom they have. Love you mum and dad!   Happy 30th Anniversary and Happy Birthday, Dad!

Dani Buckle

Vancouver Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer


Cailyn | Senior Portraits


Clair & Her Babes