Cailyn | Senior Portraits

"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” -C.S Lewis

At the end of October, on a sunny and beautiful Sunday afternoon, I spent some time with Cailyn and her family.  Cailyn is graduating high school this year, and so we took some senior portraits of her to commemorate this important event!

This past June, it was my 10th anniversary since graduating high school.  I remember when I graduated that I  was full of ideas, queries, and wonderings about what my life would be like in ten years.  The life I lead now I feel priveledged to be leading it.  I'm married to my best friend, and love him more than I did yesterday and the day before that; I'm a mum to the cutest kid ever who is beyond full of personality.  I get to photograph love and life.  I get to empower people on  a daily basis to run hard in their lives and live in freedom.  And not only all of this, but I'm constantly chasing my passions.  I don't think I would have ever imagined my life to be what it is now, and I'm so glad for that. 

When I met Cailyn, I was struck by her strength and kindness.  You can tell that she really knows who she is and loves herself in such an amazing way.  She is definitely loyal, wise, and lifts so many up.  She loves to read, can dance, and seems so wise beyond her years. Life has so many amazing opportunities for her up its sleeve- I can feel it!

Thank you so much Cailyn for hanging out, and congratulations on your FINAL year in high school! I'm so excited for what the future has for you! Remember to chase your passions, and be passionate about your life at all points! <3

Dani Buckle

Vancouver Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer

Jaime & Dustin's Wedding


Ramsey Family