Jaime & Dustin's Wedding

"I choose you,
again & again
at the start and finish
of every single day
no matter the season
no matter the year." - Tyler Kent White

I found this amazing poem by Tyler Kent White, and it rings so true of marriage- of choosing your partner.  I remember thinking how easy marriage was, how we hardly ever fought, and Andy and I were so good at having the hard conversations... but then the seasons change in your relationship, and the parts that were easy became hard.  When I was working with an amazing teacher, she had on her wall the quote "I can do hard things".  This became our marriage mantra- we could do hard things, no matter the season, the year, knowing that we would have mountains to climb, even when things were really difficult- we would do the hard things together.  The rest of this poem is exactly that- choosing your spouse each and every day, despite the hard stuff, because choosing to have them by your side is more fulfilling then going alone.

I say all of this because this poem really reminded me of Jaime & Dustin.  I love Jaime more than words can say- she is such a dear friend to me and has been there through so many seasons in the few years we have known one another.  She loves sincerely, and is all for her friends and family.  Jaime and Dustin really model choosing one another <3 Their wedding day was really about their friends and family- about how we are really all family.  That's what I loved Jaime & Dustin's wedding the most. 

Jaime and Dustin got married on a beautiful fall day on Thanksgiving weekend.. and it was perfect.  Jaime planned and styled all of the wedding down to the very last detail, and it was gorgeous.

Jaime & Dustin- thank you for entrusting me to photograph and be apart of your wedding day.  I love you guys and I'm so excited for this next season of your lives together!  So excited for what the future holds for you guys <3

Special thanks to all these amazing vendors <3


Dani Buckle

Vancouver Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer


The Ryan's


Cailyn | Senior Portraits