Clair & Her Babes

"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." -Abraham Lincoln

I read that quote after I photographed Clair and her babes last week... and it just melted my heart.  Being a mom is quite possibly the hardest thing I have ever done, but it is also the best thing I have ever done.  Loving a tiny human that I created, it's just so amazing.  You choose who you fall in love with, but your children are predisposed for your love.  They grow inside you, are nurtured by our bodies, and when they come earth side from the womb, the explosion of emotion that are pointed at this tiny human is so overwhelming.  I hope one day that Harper will be able to say that who she is, is because of how I loved her, walked with her, and encouraged her.

So many emotions- need to stop. ha ha.

Clair loves her babies fiercely; she is such a strong mumma.  I don't joke when I say she is probably one of the strongest women I know, and no matter what life throws at her, she always find a way to make life full.  Logan and Zoey are so lucky that they have her to be their example- they are going to grow up knowing how to be positive and strong no matter what, and how to love life fiercely.  I've only known Clair a short while, but this lady is a good one- the world should know her. 

Thanks so much Clair for giving me the honour of capturing your amazing little family <3

Dani Buckle

Vancouver Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer

Ramsey Family


The Allard Family