Sylvia, Tai & Alice

“To love at all is to be vulnerable.” —CS Lewis  (The Four Loves)

You all wouldn't know, but back when Dani Photography used to be Owl & Fox, we photographed Sylvia and Tai's wedding!  They were actually the first couple that booked with us when we opened in 2012.  And shooting their wedding in 2014 was nothing but awesome... guys, they had a school bus for getting around at their wedding. It was awesome!

Sylvia is currently doing her fellowship in surgery in Atlanta (I know, so Grey's!!! I said that to her when we were hanging out) and Tai is a jewelry designer- he actually designed her ring set... so beautiful! We headed back to London Heritage Farm in Steveston area, where they got married, and photographed their little family!  Their daughter Alice is just a month younger than Harper, and she is so darling!  Her little outfits... and this girl has such stunning eyes. 

Thanks so much for meeting me bright and early guys and having me photograph your family. I can't wait til your back in town and we can really catch up!

Dani Buckle

Vancouver Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer



Meaghan & Jinx