You belong among the wildflowers, you belong in a boat out at sea…You belong with your love on your arm, you belong somewhere you feel free.
— Tom Petty

First, it's December.

Cannot believe that I'm even writing that.  I feel as if this year has gone with the blink of an eye... I remember when I was a kid, and how long the year seemed to be.  Since having Harper, everything is such a blur- I remember it fully, but it goes so quickly.

We have our house decorated for Christmas- with what I believe is the world's smallest Christmas Tree (in all fairness, we don't have space with all of Harper's stuff for a bigger one, and I know that Andy is thrilled, ha ha).  The house is feeling cozy; full of lights, candles, hot coco, Christmas music... which makes editing so much easier.  I've been sitting wrapped up in a blanket at the desk editing while Harper naps, and it's been glorious. 

This session was so great!  I actually went to school with Jess & Jared, and I haven't seen them in years!  It was so good catching up, meeting their adorable little ones, and capturing their family.  These two are high school sweethearts, and are just some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.  Jess is the owner and the mom boss behind Wild Child Designs, and if you don't own one of her handmade toques, you need to!  Harper has a few, and I really want to get us matching ones (well actually for all three of us). 

Thanks so much guys for having me photograph your family!  <3

Dani Buckle

Vancouver Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer

The Weisgerber's


The Eales- Melanson Family