Niki & James
Just another late night blogging session- does anyone else ever feel like they have way more inspiration at night? I feel like once everyone is asleep, then my creative side comes alive, and I can edit and blog non-stop, design, all the while Greys is on in the background.
Christmas is in less than two days!!! I just finished wrapping all my gifts... phew. Three rolls of paper later. Harper has tried to rip three gifts already, ha ha.
What is everyone looking forward to most? I love Christmas Eve with my family- we just relax together, play games, and I'll be sporting my PJ's all day- once church is done.
Now onto Niki & James... and their FARM!!!!
I heart these two- a ton! Maybe more than a ton, more than a lot... just so much. We've only known these two souls for the past year, and it feels as if they have been apart of our lives for way longer. We laugh at the same things, geek out to the same conspiracy stuff, enjoy prosecco together (well, Niki & I do), and can talk for absolutely hours. These two are fun, and have such amazing souls and hearts. You should know them- the world should. I love the way they are together, it reminds me of Andy and I, and I love how much they honour and love their friends. They are kind, funny, and people that have your backs. Thanks for letting me hang out with y'all on the farm, giving me some fresh eggs, and for letting me get in some horse time! Love you guys!