“You are my sun,
my moon,
and all of my stars.”
— E. E Cummings

Ever since Harper was born, I have found that I am documenting so much more of my life, and I can hardly keep up with editing any of it.  I keep filling CF cards and my phone full of her smile, her firsts, and the plain old life that is happening- there really is so much magic in the every day of our lives.  I remember thinking a few years ago that in a few years ago, life will be more amazing because of _____ (fill in the blank with everything you can think of).  However, as time has passed, and some of those longings and desire have come to pass, and some haven't, I've really discovered the moment, and living within the moment.  Whenever I long for one day, I'm reminded that there is the special thing that is happening right now, and it makes me want to pull out my camera and document every single moment of.  Harper has made me slow down, which was a hard thing to do because I loved being busy, and she has made me appreciate every single moment- even the hard ones where I feel lost.  I say all of this, because when I spent the morning with the Heinrich's, it made all of this come back to me.  It reminded me again how precious the every moment is- and how kids think the smallest things are magical for them.  They remember the moments where we played with them at face level, where we were silly and ate brownie mix together.  Those are the things I would rather remember- not the things that didn't work out my way or how I thought it would pan out.

There really is nothing like a lazy Saturday at home, especially when it's gray and raining outside.  When Renee and I were messaging about what they wanted to do for their family shoot, she really just wanted to be at home with the boys, and then go out for a walk to their favourite little spot in Vancouver.  So I literally spent a cozy Saturday morning with them at home- they read books, played with trains, jumped on mommy and daddy's bed, baked brownies, and then we went for a walk. I'm so grateful that they wanted me to document their life, and pose them in nice spots for a minute or two. 

Thank you so much Renee & Jason for allowing me to follow you guys around, for reminding me of moments that are most important, and for being passionate about your family!  <3


Dani Buckle

Vancouver Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer


Shaun & Lisa


The Ryan's